Introducing RECROP COST action
In response to the escalating threat of climate change and its detrimental impact on plants' productivity and thus on global food security, a new Action called RECROP (Reproductive Enhancement of CROP resilience to extreme climate CA22157) has emerged, supported by the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST). Comprising an exceptional consortium of agronomists, physiologists, geneticists, biologists and bioinformaticians from academia, private sector, public institutions and other relevant organisations. RECROP sets out to support and transform current efforts for improving crop resilience through innovative and holistic approaches. This collaborative effort aims to unlock the secrets of crop sensitivity to environmental stresses during plant reproduction and design solutions to enhance crop yields in a sustainable manner.
A plant-specific clade of serine...
A plant-specific clade of serine/arginine-rich proteins
regulates RNA splicing homeostasis and thermotolerance
in tomato.
Download the pdf bellow or visit the link:
The role of epigenetics in tomato stress adaptation
Integrative approaches to enhance reproductive resilience of crops for climate-proof agriculture